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This article, A Skrall of the Sands, was written by MoviemakerMichael3c7. Please do not add to this fiction without the writer's permission.

A Skrall of the Sands
Setting Bara Magna
Date N/A

A Skrall of the Sands is a story written by Skrallix about his early adventures as a Skrall and of his adventures in the Sand Raiders.


Part 1[]

Greetings. If you are reading this tablet, you are the lucky discoverer of my chronicles. The chronicles of Skrallix.

If you find my name amusing, I will have your throat slit. I am a Skrall — no, a rogue Skrall. I am the kind of Skrall that is talked about around campfires, used to discourage bad behavior. "If you ever try to be like Skrallix, Tuma will have your head!" Scare tactics, I'd say. I and my fellow Sand Raiders are usually regarded as outlaws, thugs, and dangerous beings. I cannot truthfully deny any of those charges, because they are partly correct. However, before you consider me just a wayward Skrall with a party of thugs for companions, hear my side of the story.

It all began years ago, on the old Bara Magna — before the attack on Atero, before Mata Nui, before all of those. I was just another Skrall in just another Skrall legion. This was the time when we lived in the far north.

It had been years since the Core War, and our Element Lord was no longer with us. We were also united with the Sisters of the Skrall; even though they had already been shunned, they still were a part of our tribe, and for the most part, just kept quiet. We still had most of our leader-class Skrall (two, along with a legion, had been trapped on Bota Magna during The Shattering) and life seemed normal.

If you were a Skrall in a legion during this time, there was one event you would look forward to more than any other. That was the great championship; it was when each legion got to prove its skill in battle in a great arena fight. Ironically. it was very similar to the Atero Great Tournament. However, at the same time, it was different. In this arena, there were hardly any rules except that you could not kill other Skrall, and if you were struck down, you were out. But of course, every year there was talk of how some Skrall killed another (which always resulted in a new head being placed on our fortress walls) or that someone had cheated.

This is how our arena worked: two legions would wear two differently colored "cloaks" around their arms. Then they would enter the arena; we could not possibly have fit two whole legions into that arena, so the legions would enter a few at a time as others were struck out. After a grueling fight, the last nine standing would divide into teams of three and attack each other. The three that survived would then have the honor of fighting an elite Skrall that survived their special tournaments. Then, whoever survived that battle (if any) had the honor of dueling a leader-class Skrall, one-on-one. If a normal Skrall won, a name would be given to them. If they had a name, they would be given some other promotion.

I always counted the days until this tournament, and, in the year I begin my story, I was even more expectant of the day.

It was the day of the tournament. My legion was preparing and practicing for our battle in the arena. Last year, some of our legion's Skrall had survived until the fight with an elite Skrall. This year, I had plans of becoming a champion, as did every Skrall. But there was one thing I wanted more than anything else. A name. To me, an ordinary Skrall warrior, a name was something important. I cannot explain it well, but I can say that I really wanted a name. A good one too. So I trained well for the tournament, and this year I felt very sure of myself.

Suddenly, it was announced: our legion was to fight now. I clasped my sword and shield tightly and began marching into the arena.

Throughout the fight, I mainly stayed to the back. I certainly had my fair share of attackers swarming around me here and there, but I did not receive nearly as much damage as those nearer the front. After some time, when a little under half our legions were still fighting, a leader-class Skrall named Uoano announced a short break for the legions to refresh. I was still in the competition at this time, thanks to my strategy, and was glad to be allowed a break.

All the Skrall, of course, showed their thanks to the three leader Skrall present, Uoano, Lontius, and Tuma, in the traditional way and we all returned to our barracks. I was one of the "lucky" Skrall who had to go get the rations for my section of the barracks. Thinking back on it now, I have finally realized how disgusting and unpleasant our rations really were. To this day, I still do not know all that was in our rations. I only know that they were a sickly green color and they stank.

As I pushed the rations wagon down a hallway and to a slightly wide two-way walkway that overlooked some other barracks, I noticed something strange: a rock Agori's twin swords lying on the ground, but the Agori himself was nowhere to be seen. The strange thing was that I had seen him when I had come down this walkway a few moments ago. He was a guard, and no guard of this Skrall fortess abandoned his post unless by force or something he needed to report had occurred. And they never abandoned their weapons.

Then, as I looked ahead down the walkway, I noticed a Skrall shield lying in the dust. Something was very wrong. Then, from behind me, four Skrall pushed past and ran down the walkway into the hall at the end. Suddenly, arms reached down from the ceiling above one of the Skrall and he disappeared! The other Skrall, who were ahead of him, turned to see what had happened. One was greeted by a screaming, falling Skrall. The next moment two unconscious Skrall lay in a heap on the floor. The two remaining Skrall suddenly retreated back to the walkway and loaded their Thornax Launchers, apparently preparing for a fight. Then, from the ceiling came a horrifying shriek, and a Vorox jumped down!

He landed directly in front of one of the Skrall, who tried to shoot him with a Thornax, but the Vorox was too fast. It grabbed the unfortunate warrior and flung him against the side of the walkway. That accounted for another downed warrior. The final Skrall was prepared for whatever the Vorox could do, or so he thought. Unexpectedly, the Vorox grabbed the fallen Skrall's sword and advanced on the warrior. The warrior fired a volley of Thornax as the Vorox slowly advanced. One actually hit him, but the Vorox only winced. Then he jumped through the air, struck the Skrall and grabbed both his legs. Then he flung him over the side of the walkway. The Skrall fell screaming over the edge until a horrible thud silenced him.

I glanced over the side and noticed him groaning in pain. I also happened to notice the Vorox. He had seen me and was slowly advancing. I clutched my sword tightly and prepared to fight...

Part 2[]

The Vorox slowly approached me, hissing and growling. After noting how he had flung about those last two... unfortunate Skrall, I was sure he would have no regret in doing the same to me. This is my story, and I am Skrallix. If you have just found this, my second tablet and have no idea what I am speaking of, go find my first tablet and read it. Now, where was I...? Oh, yes.

These were the days of old. The days when I was just another Skrall. However, on this day in particular I was very sure it would be my last. My task of bringing our horrible-smelling and even more foul-looking rations to my barracks had seemed simple enough a short time ago.

That was before I ran into a problem. A Vorox. Not the best thing I could have found. Already, this particular Vorox had defeated four of my fellow Skrall warriors. They hadn't been killed, only... badly injured. And I was next.

The Vorox was closing in. As I prepared to fight him, I already knew I could not fight him any better than my now-fallen comrades. Then I got an idea. The rations. Certainly the Vorox was hungry; perhaps he would appreciate that disgusting slop much better than any Skrall would. So I tried it. I gently put down my sword and shield and lifted a bowl of rations toward the Vorox. He stopped growling for a moment and sniffed the bowl. Then he started eating the bowl's green contents happily. After he finished the first bowl, I offered him a second. He seemed to enjoy that one as much as he had the first. He was just starting his third bowl when a troop of Rock Agori and warrior-class Skrall approached from the hall that the Vorox had been in only moments ago. The Vorox saw them and decided to leave, but not before grabbing a fourth bowl for his escape and hissing a friendly Vorox "farewell" at me. Then he took off down the hallway behind me.

On that day, there were four Skrall in my barracks who were not very fond of me. Four hungry Skrall. Four hungry and angry Skrall. Four hungry, angry, and strong Skrall that happened to be very good at convincing me to do things. They laid out my choices bluntly: I could go into the mess hall and steal some more rations, or be Spikit food. I decided to steal some more rations.

As I walked down the hallway that led to the mess hall, I wondered, how could I steal more rations? I glanced up at the ceiling and never noticed the Rock Agori ahead of me also staring up. That is, until I tripped over him.

"What!? What are you doing out of your barracks, Agori?" I questioned.

"I...well, hey! Why are you out of your barracks?" he replied.

"Never mind that," I said,"I have something to urgent to attend to. What about you?"

"Well, I'm looking for a Vorox that I accidentally released. Have you seen him?"

"A VOROX?" I roared. "Oh, yes, I've seen a Vorox, there was the one that I ran into earlier today that NEARLY KILLED ME!!" And it was because of the Vorox that I was on my way to steal rations just then. But now it appeared that this pesky Agori was the cause of my problems. Suddenly, I got an idea. "Agori, I have a deal to make with you. You help me with my problem, and in return... I won't pummel you into the dust."

"So, what's the plan?"

I rolled my eyes. Of all the foolish Agori to be dumb enough to release a Vorox, this one was the most talkative.

"I don't HAVE a plan, besides avoiding being Spikit food, Agori," I replied.

"My name is Sukata, and if you don't have a plan, I'll make one."

And he did. His plan was to sneak into the hall in a small wagon, go to the giant stew pot without any of the cooks noticing us, and scooping out some extra rations.

"This is suicide... Sukata!"

"You finally remembered my name, and no it's not. We'll be fine."

Somehow, we did manege to sneak by the cooks in the mess hall and into the room without being seen. That was one of the easier tasks. Next, I gathered six ration bowls (Two extra bowls for Sukata and I, of course. I did not plan to go through with this scheme without... compensation.) and went to the great stew pot. The smell was horrid. Sukata and I held our breath as we scooped out six bowls worth of "stew".

After getting it and placing it in our cart, we noticed something. Across the room was what appeared to be the leader-class Skrall's meals. And they actually looked good! More than that, they smelled great, too!

Then our luck ran out. From inside the mess hall I heard the cooks wake up and begin talking with someone.

"HIDE!!" I quietly hissed at Sukata. He got the idea, and we both quickly scanned the room for a good hiding spot. The voices grew closer; we had to hurry.

Then Sukata pointed to a cart. "There!" he hissed. "It's covered with a cloth! Get in!"

We got inside just in time. The voices we had heard were two Rock Agori that served the leader-class Skrall's meals. The meals that they were gathering just now. "It will be alright," I whispered to Sukata. "They will get the food and then leave."

Suddenly, I heard thuds above us on the top of the cart. Then the cart began to move. This was bad. Not only were we stealing food from the mess hall, but now we were being wheeled toward the dining hall of our leaders, who would likely not be pleased to see us. After a few twists and turns, we arrived in a large dining room with the leaders seated around a long rectangular table. We came to a stop at the edge of the table and heard the Agori removing the food from the top of our cart. I glanced out a tear in the side of the carts cloth and saw we were next to two of the Leaders, Lontius and Tuma. I thought quickly for a way of escape that would result in the least chance of us getting caught. I couldn't think of anything.

Somehow, Sukata devised another one of his crazed plans. The worst part was that this time he didn't tell me.

Suddenly, I felt our cart rolling. Sukata was carefully rolling our cart back toward the hallway!

"Hey!" yelled one of the Agori to the other. "Grab the cart!"

It was then that things went wrong. There were two doorways at the end of the dining hall. One led down a hallway; the other, some stairs. Sukata accidentally steered us down the stairs. Suddenly, we were rolling down a long stairway in an extremely painful fall. After a long fall, we smashed onto a rocky floor as our cart smashed into pieces. Sukata and I painfully rose from the wreckage and instantly began running down the halls.

We ran through the labyrinth of halls, passing Agori and Skrall, and finally after a good long run, we arrived at the mess hall once again. The cooks were again sleeping and we easily ran into the room, grabbed our cart, and ran back to my barracks just before we were called back out to the Arena for our battle. Sukata and I then had to go our separate ways, but neither of us would soon forget our adventure.

The arena tournament then continued. I fought even harder this time, possibly due to my extra rations. After a long fight, I made it down to the last thirty, then twenty, then I realized THERE WERE ONLY ELEVEN SKRALL LEFT! I COULD WIN THIS YEAR!

I struck out with even more fury than before. I struck down one Skrall and held off another. Then the final Skrall was struck down! I WAS IN THE TOP NINE!!

Then I lost. After making it into the top nine, I was struck out by a stronger Skrall that continued on in the tournament. I slunked back to my barracks. Apparently, I had been the only one in my barracks to survive. Everyone else was currently off at training. I preferred to be alone right now, anyway. After sulking for a few moments, I lay on my bunk and fell asleep...

Part 3[]

Where was I? What had happened? The last thing I could remember was being defeated in the Skrall Tournament, sulking into my barracks and lying on my less-than-comfortable cot. Now I was in command of all the Skrall legions, even the elite-class Skrall! I was second in rank only to the leaders. And I could not remember any amount of time passing...

But I could not be concerned with that now. The leader-class Skrall, Uoano, was giving me a name!

"Your name, Skrall, shall be... Skrallix."

I was enthralled. I was probably the happiest Skrall ever, but I couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right. It continued to bug me, as I began leading the Skrall warriors, Rock Agori, leader-class Skrall, and Sisters of the Skrall back north, to find a way to bring our former home back to Bara Magna. The entire operation seemed strange, and then it struck me like a charging Rock Steed. The Sisters of the Skrall never came on missions like this one. They came on no missions at all. Ever. And they never marched with the warrior-class Skrall. If they were lucky, they would at least get to trail behind the legions, but not inside the legions themselves. And the leaders always led us. Why was I at the head of this advance?

Then I finally realized what was going on. This was a dream. But it seemed so real and was extremely deceiving... But it was only a dream. The second the strange dream world disappeared and my eyes opened, I knew it was all fake. But when I tried to move, I could not! There was nothing holding me down, either; it was my very limbs that refused to move!

Then I heard gentle whispers and instantly knew what had happened. I shifted my eyes over, glancing across the room, confirming my hunch. There were three Sisters of the Skrall toying with my mind. They did not seem to realize I was awake, or if they did, they didn't care. This was before the time that the Skrall abandoned them, so they were not openly hateful against us, but they did have ways of showing their anger. This was one of them.

I rapidly filled with rage. It was so great that suddenly I felt released from whatever had been holding me down. Or perhaps the Sisters had relinquished their attack. Either way, I was furious. I could tell they did not know I was awake, so carefully I reached down to my sword that was lying on the barracks' floor beside me. I waited a moment and then suddenly leaped from my cot and ran yelling directly at the Sisters. They shrieked in terror, and just as suddenly started running. Each one of them knew what could happen if they were caught. They could become a lesson for other rebellious Sister Skrall, maybe becoming Spikit food, or worse.

Two of the Sisters escaped out the door. The third was not as fortunate. She stumbled and was not out the door by the time I had arrived. I pushed her against the barracks' wall and raised my sword. She knew what was coming next and closed her eyes in fear and pure terror. What had started as a harmless prank was now no longer amusing.

But before I brought down my sword on her, I thought about it all. Had it really been all that bad? After all, in my fantasy I had gotten what I wanted more than most other things. A name. Then again, one less Sister of the Skrall wouldn't affect Bara Magna that greatly. But I had received a name... Skrallix.

I spent a few moments thinking. The frightened Skrall Sister timidly glanced up for a moment at my glaring eyes. I finally decided to free her. After all, I did not want a group of angry Skrall Sisters returning for revenge.

"You can go," I said to her firmly. "Just remember, you owe me." She nodded and quickly ran out the barracks' door.

The passage of time is truly mysterious to me. It seems to me that during the time after the Arena event and those Skrall Sisters meddling with my dream, I was in a small daze. At times, I wished I could go back to that strange fantasy world. Then harsh reality crushed all hope of it. I once again fell into ranks with the other Skrall; we cleared out teritory of Vorox, desert beasts and Agori of any sort. One adventure in particular is very clear in my mind.

It was when a troop of Skrall that I was in had been assigned to clear out western teritorries of some invading Vorox. As we traveled westward, more and more evidence of Vorox arose. At last, we arrived in an area that appeared to have been a battlefield more than once in the past. And suddenly it became one again.

A group of Vorox, possibly about twenty, attacked us! Every one of them had Thornax Launchers, and they all knew how to use them. Well. Our troop fell quickly. These Vorox, whoever they were, had been well trained. They fought us off until only five Skrall remained standing. Then they surrounded us and captured us, yelling, protesting and spewing choice words at all of them.

We were carried over a hill and saw something amazing. An army of Vorox. It looked like a mega-tribe of them. And they were all armed.

We were tossed onto the ground by a Vorox. Then their leader approached. He looked like any other Vorox, except for the Thornax Launcher that had replaced his stinger on his tail, and the Skrall sword in his hands. He aimed it at one of the Skrall that was making the most noise and silenced him. Now there were four of us.

Suddenly, two Vorox came and carried off another of our troop. I hear he was used for target practice. The three of us that remained didn't think much of our current situation. There wasn't much time left to think, and we all knew it.

This lead Vorox walked slowly toward the Skrall next to me. He sniffed at him and then signaled the Vorox surrounding us. He was carried toward a nearby cliff. A few moments later, I heard a horrible thud, and then silence. This Vorox general then walked over to me and sniffed at me.

At this point, I had decided to accept my fate honorably. I would not give these... beasts the pleasure of hearing my screams. No matter what my fate, I would not give the Vorox any indication that I was suffering or even afraid. Skrall warriors are supposed to show no fear. No emotion, just strict obedience. Even to the death.

But at this point, I was starting to break free of those constraints. As I thought about some of those things, the Vorox general just looked at me. He then hissed at the guards behind me and continued staring at me. I wondered what fate they had laid out for me as I felt the guards toying with the ropes that bound me. But instead of dragging me off to a horrid fate, they released me. The Vorox general smiled and hissed a friendly Vorox farewell at me.

Wait... I had heard that sound before... back a few months ago, when I was nearly attacked by a similar Vorox, I had fed him four bowls of our ration stew, and he had hissed that same friendly farewell. It had to be the same Vorox! And I was very glad he had a good memory.

The Skrall next to me, however, was not a friend of the Vorox, so they started to drag him away to a horrible fate. I'm sure you'll be glad to know I stopped the Vorox from killing him. The Vorox general was kind enough to offer me a bowl of... something. How nice. I didn't want to refuse, or die eating. but I decided the later was the least painful. Maybe.

After a short visit, I decided to leave "Vorox Village" and trot back to our camp. The other Skrall agreed. We left peacefully (and without our weapons) and went quickly down canyons and over dunes, back toward camp. Then we went down one particularly dark canyon pass. The bodies of Vorox lay everywhere. I considered taking their weapons, but they were primitive and mainly useless for a Skrall.

As we walked, I wondered, What killed these Vorox?? Their bodies have been ripped to shreds... No Skrall would waste time doing that. Was it a desert predator... or something else?

We never noticed the strange rocks that were watching us from behind. The rocks that slowly transformed into strange robotic beings...

Part 4[]

The Baterra watched us with intrigue... if robotic beings can truly ponder something of the sort. My companion and I had not yet seen them.

It was I that first noticed the silver robots watching us. I quickly alerted my companion, and turned my head for the slightest amount of time. That was all it took. When we both looked, they were gone. In their place were two rocks that had not been there before.

"You're jumping at shadows; there's nothing there," was his response. Only now I know how wrong he was...

I am Skrallix, the rogue Skrall, leader of the Sand Raiders, destroyer of the baterra, and more. You have found and are reading my chronicles, my story. The fourth part. If you haven't already read my first three, turn back and READ THEM!!! Now back to my story...

We arrived safely back at our camp, and then at our fortress. That Skrall whose life I had helped save went to the leaders and told of his great works of bravery against the vicious Vorox armies! He even led an attack force back to the Vorox camp and killed most of the army. The lead Vorox was captured and brought back to our main fortress. Because of all he had done, that other Skrall was promoted by the leaders and given a name! I was furious! He had done nothing to deserve this!

Thoughts like these burned within me. I would not soon forget this, either. It seemed that lately I was receiving more than enough to contemplate...

It was that time of year again! Arena battle time!

I was fighting against a Rock Agori in a practice duel. You should probably know that a Skrall "practice duel" isn't really "practice" at all. Sometimes a limb will be lost, sometimes just a sword; but keep in mind, there is no such thing as a Skrall "practice duel." Things can turn ugly.

This particular Agori, Atakus, was a good swordsman. "You're slowing, Skrall," he hissed. "You may as well give up now, while you still have an arm!"

"Oh, go guard the gates," I retorted. "No mere Agori shall best me in a fight!"

"Ha!" he responded. "Just watch me!"

He swung one of his swords at my chest, but I was too quick. At that exact moment, I swiftly and powerfully kicked him in his chest. The sudden impact sent him sprawling backwards into a stone wall. He groaned in pain and dropped one of his twin swords. I wasted no time in following through. Instantly, I shot a Thornax at him and ran forward. He, of course, reacted and dove out of the way of the explosive fruit. But I tripped him as he was jumping, causing him to smash into the sand.

I then placed my Thornax Launcher and sword above his little neck and declared, "Atakus, concede, or there will be none of you left to guard the gates."

Atakus was not the happiest Agori after that... but at least he was a live one.

I decided to "practice" again with a different Agori, and seeing that so many wanted to be known as a defeater of a Skrall, I had no trouble finding foolish volunteers. I chose one particularly... loud... Agori, and we began our fight.

"Do you want to know my name?" he asked.

"Not at all, but I believe you are going to tell me anyway, aren't you?"

"Yes," was the reply. He sounded... familiar. "My name is Sukata," he said.

"You are Sukata?" I questioned.

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm that Skrall you helped a year ago when stealing rations!"

"Oh, that's nice," he said, swiping his sword at me. "Let's go steal some more after I beat you, Skrall."

He, of course, did not defeat me, but he did fight very well. After I finished my "practice" and was walking back toward my barracks, Sukata followed me.

"You fight better than you steal, Skrall; the leaders should consider promoting you."

I nodded, half-listening to him.

"I'm in your legion, Skrall, so tomorrow I'll be leading our legion's frontal attack. I'll wear only one part of my cloak on my left arm so you can identify me. Where will you be?"

"I'll be in the back," I replied.

He laughed. "In the back? Why, are you afraid, Skrall?"

"NO, I'M NOT AFRAID, SUKATA," I roared. "I have a plan, a strategy, and it almost worked last year. But this year... IT WILL WORK."


I locked swords with the the Skrall from the other legion. I was in the arena and fighting hard. Unconscious warriors were being dragged off the Arena floor all around me. It was a battle of epic proportions. I explained our legion battle in my story's first part, so I am assuming you remember it.

The opposing legion's secondary color was green, so only our Agori needed colored cloaks. However, this did not make the battle any easier. I bashed the other Skrall with my shield, hard. He fell as I turned to face another. The new Skrall fired a Thornax at me. How nice. As I raised my shield and blocked it, he charged, running at me and screaming. At the last moment I stepped aside and tripped him. He flew past me and crashed into another Skrall. Rookie, I thought.

Suddenly, a Thornax shot past my head. I turned to see four opposing Skrall ready to charge. Three had Thornax, and the fourth was reloading.

Great, this is going to be fun...

But before I could attack or defend myself, a crazed Agori charged the four Skrall... ALL AT ONCE!! Two were so surprised that he was able to knock them out quickly. Could this be Sukata? He was wearing the cloak exactly as he had stated he would last evening.

"Sukata?" I inquired.

"Yes!" was the response. "You remembered!"

He was losing quickly to his larger opponents. I intervened. Tripping one Skrall, I bashed the back of his head as he struck the ground. Only one left. And he wasn't going to fall for a rookie trick; I could tell. So I tried something new. I flung my shield in a spinning motion, and watched as it sailed toward my opponent. But instead of striking him, it veered straight up into the Bara Magna sky.

"Ha!" he bluntly stated.

I merely glanced up. He did the same....and saw the shield plummeting directly at him! Fast! He did what any sentient creature would do: dive out of the way! But I was anticipating this. As he jumped, I fired my Thornax. It struck him directly in the chest. He ground to a rough halt on the floor of the arena. Instantly, Sukata was all over him. The Skrall barely had time to defend himself! Sukata gave it everything, and kept the Skrall on the ground!

I was about to run over to help him when, from my side, I was attacked. One bashed into me before I had time to react. He sent me sprawling to the arena floor with a well-placed bash from his sword. Behind him I saw a second green Skrall, busy loading his Thornax. Even a Spikit didn't have to wonder at what was about to happen. And I was not going to let it happen. I had done too much to lose now. As he fired his Thornax, I rolled over and tripped the Skrall who had sent me to the sandy ground. He fell, narrowly missing the Thornax.

I got to my feet and ran. I had a plan. I was running as fast as I could to the side of the arena, where a tall stone wall was located. My eyes combed the wall, searching... Ah, there it was. A rough patch of wall that I could run up. The Skrall pursued me, yelling and shooting Thornax. It was dangerous and risky, but it was better than trying to beat both of them. At the same time.

I had nearly arrived at the wall when one Skrall almost struck my helmet with his sword. He was too close. This plan might not work. So I stopped. He was not expecting this. So, with no other option, he smashed into my back and sent us both sprawling into the sand. Only I was still conscious.

However, there was still his partner to worry about. He was still pursing me, and gaining fast. I quickly continued my run for the wall. When I arrived, he was directly behind me. Then I made my move. I ran up the wall flipped backward, over my pursuer, and landed in the sand behind him. I then pushed him backward into the wall. Hard. He fell unconscious.

"One down, an entire arena to go..."

I fought long and hard. We were given no break this year, and it took its toll. Because of my unique strategy, I survived much longer than most other Skrall in my legion. Then it became close. I survived to the last fifty... forty Skrall... thirty Skrall! Twenty Skrall! TEN SKRALL! I WAS ALMOST IN THE TOP NINE! ONLY ONE MORE SKRALL HAD TO FALL!!

Suddenly, it didn't matter what legion you were in; everyone turned on whoever was closest to them. I tried to team up with some Skrall from my own legion. There were only three others besides myself. One agreed; the others just attacked me. Then the final Skrall fell! I WAS IN THE FINALIST NINE GROUP! And this year I would not fall. I would win!

After being allowed a short break and some rations and water (this year I did NOT volunteer to get rations), we returned to the arena. The following fight was grueling. I managed to team up with two other Skrall from my legion and we fought. It lasted a few hours. When it had ended, I was still standing. Wounded, but standing. I was the only Skrall left to represent my legion. The other two remaining Skrall were from the green legion. I was tired but excited! This was great! This could be the year I got a name!

However, now came the second most challenging battle. Dueling an Elite Class Skrall.

I tried my secret strategy again. I decided to be the last Skrall to face the elite Skrall in the one on one fight. The other Skrall scoffed and entered the arena confident and arrogant. They exited unconscious. I was nervous and almost afraid as I entered the arena again. But I rapidly suppressed the feelings, Skrall felt no fear.

The elite Skrall looked me over and laughed. "Another weakling!" he declared. "I will finish him quickly."

This Skrall was asking for it. And I was ready to give it to him.

I charged him in rage. He looked at me blankly and then stepped aside at the last possible moment, sending me crashing onto the arena floor. I skidded to a stop and shook it off. The arena audience was roaring with laughter. and the elite Skrall was enjoying it. I wanted to crush him like an insect, but instead of charging him again I thought about my odds, and a plan.

I was interrupted by a flying Thornax. He was trying to get my attention. I responded with a Thornax of my own. He blocked it leisurely with his club and slowly approached me.

We fought for a long time. I tried everything I knew; HE BLOCKED IT ALL, and then continued his attack as if I wasn't even there! I grew tired rapidly. He was just too strong.

Finally, a stinging blow sent me to the sand. I didn't bother trying to get up. He stood over me laughing a taunting laugh. "Weakling," he stated again. "I knew he would be easy."

This was too much. Rage overtook me again and I spun with all my remaining might and energy and spun around, using my legs to trip him! He fell backwards in surprise! He was so surprised that he opened his hand as he fell and dropped his club! I quickly took advantage of this, jumping to my feet and kicking away his club. I then shot him in the chest with Thornax. He replied by smacking me with his Thornax Launcher. I staggered back as he loaded it and fired. I blocked it with my trusty shield and charged him. He was still on the arena floor, though, so it was an awkward charge.

His club was out of reach, so he aimed his launcher at me and fired. I continued to block everything he shot, and was about to give him some much-needed sleep when he caught my sword with his Thornax Launcher and ripped it out of my hand! It flew through the air and landed far out of reach.

"Now we are even."

I responded by screaming in anger and bashing his face into the sand with my shield. Five times. Repeatedly. After that I stopped for a moment to catch my breath and prepare to bash him another five times. It was then that I was shocked beyond believe. THE ELITE WARRIOR LOOKED DAZED, AND THEN SLUMPED BACK DOWN INTO THE SAND UNCONSCIOUS! I HAD WON! I HAD DEFEATED AN ELITE-CLASS SKRALL!

The crowd cheered! I had done it! Now only one thing stood in the way of finally getting a name!

But it was to be the most challenging fight yet. I had to fight a leader-class Skrall. Thinking back now, I can distinctly remember the one I dueled.

He was tall.

He was strong.

He was green.

And his name was... Tuma.

Part 5[]

I clutched my sword tightly and nervously. The audience cheered as I walked into the arena. My special blocker, Sukata, of course, was enjoying every moment of it. I had never intended to select him; I had planned to pick an Agori that was better at fighting; Atakus perhaps. But he wasn't exactly the dullest sword in the armory. If I didn't select him, the leader Skrall would learn of our "adventure" a year ago. He was rapidly selected as my blocker.

If you have just now discovered this tablet, on which are the chronicles of myself. Skrallix. Leader of the Sand Raiders, expert warrior and fighter. You are now reading my fifth tablet. If you have just discovered these, go back and find my first four tablets and read them!! Now back to my story...

Tuma slowly plodded into the arena. He squinted his eyes. The suns were very bright today. The heat was nearly unbearable. An occasional breeze was more than welcome in the blistering arena. Its blow would create short-lived clouds of dust that lazily rolled along the arena floor. The heat did not seem to affect Tuma in any way, or if it did, he certainly did not show it.

His armor appeared dented and worn in places, the marks of numerous battles, and his confident smile and haughty gaze spoke clearly what he was thinking. He was going to win this fight. I had different thoughts, however; thoughts on how he would fall, how I would win, and how I would receive a name, among other honors.

Tuma began to advance towards me; his strides came slowly and heavily.

"So," he hissed, "here is the lucky Skrall survivor. You have come a long way... just to fall here."

I listened respectfully but enraged. I had been able to fell a mighty elite Skrall, so perhaps even a leader-class Skrall would discover how the sun-scorched sands felt, up close. I had to try. After all, I had nothing much to lose at this point...

The battle began. Vorox who had been captured in the recent western territorial conquest lined the arena walls, pulling feverishly on their chains, roaring and screeching. The audience was cheering and yelling. Noise was coming from all directions. I was doing my best to focus on the fight and plan a strategy, but it was proving difficult.

During one of my less attentive moments I noticed something familiar along the arena wall. On one of the chained Vorox, in place of a tail, was a Thornax Launcher. Could this be the same Vorox I had encountered several times before? Was he the "Great Vorox General" that had been so notorious? Was he the one that had been rather friendly toward me due to our first meeting?

Suddenly, as I was momentarily distracted, Tuma attacked. A speeding Thornax approached me rapidly. It was swiftly blocked by Sukata. "I told you I'm a good blocker" was his proud remark.

I didn't have time to respond. Tuma charged me,with his sword high above his head, attempting to end the fight rapidly. I blocked his attack and then realized my mistake. He was much stronger than I, and was using this clash to his advantage. Our swords locked, Tuma jerked away my sword in a swift, strong and rather effective motion. My sword flew through the air and crashed into the dusty sands of the arena floor, a mere twenty feet away. At least, in any other situation it would have seemed mere. Now was not one of those times.

Tuma was moments away from victory, AND I HAD NO SWORD! With only a Skrall shield to defend myself with, the outcome of the fight was not shrouded in mystery. It was at that moment that I noticed Sukata charging Tuma from the side! He was fortunate in the arena fight to stop at least one or two Skrall. But he could never fell Tuma. He would fall. Hard. And then I would have no blocker!

"Sukata! STOP!" I yelled.

Tuma, surprised by my sudden outburst, turned for the slightest moment, and that was all I needed. I ran. I ran faster then I had ever run before. Surprisingly, Tuma did nothing. He thought I was retreating in fear. It took the mighty leader a short amount of time to realize that I was running for my fallen sword.

Then he reacted. A swift Thornax almost took off my head. A second exploded in the sands beneath my legs, hurtling me into the air. I fell with a thud on my back. Pain surged up it as I lay in the dust. Tuma launched yet another Thornax directly at me. I groaned and rolled, placing my shield directly in its path. The Thornax then met an explosive end on my shield. Tuma wasn't finished yet, though. He fired his fifth Thornax of the fight, and it was, surprisingly, blocked by Sukata! He was indeed a good blocker. I could tell, by his confident smile, that he was proud of himself. If he let that get to his head I would never hear the end of it...

I held my shield in place, struggling against the strength of Tuma. Even as I held him off, I felt my feet moving, slowly being pushed through the sand. He was winning, and I did not know how much longer I could hold him off. Swiftly, with one strong shove, Tuma broke the suspense. He flung me, like a sack of dry, brittle sticks, into the sands again. It stung as I plowed along the arena floor. I felt pain all over my weakening body. I also felt exhausted. I could not even discern how long how long I had been fighting. Minutes? Hours? Days?

There was no time to think; Tuma was already approaching. He was tired too, and it was apparent he had not been expecting such a fight from an ordinary Skrall. However, he had a brilliant strategy: stay in one spot, wait for foolish attacks, fight until the opponent is tired, and then strike. He could easily have ended the fight much sooner, but he didn't feel like fighting hard today.

I slowly rose. He greeted me with another swipe of his sword. He had felled little Sukata in a similar fashion when the Agori had broken his Thornax Launcher a few moments ago. Sukata was just now regaining his strength, and standing up on the other side of the arena. I flew into the arena wall and fell to the ground. I couldn't allow myself to fall unconscious; I had to stay awake and alert.

I had begun to lift my hurting body when I heard a hiss. I glanced upward only to realize that I had landed directly in front of an angry Vorox! He hissed more violently and then kicked me, hard! I fell over backwards and sprawled out on the sand. I could hear Tuma's approach. He was going to end this fight. I hoped he would knock me unconscious quickly, and then I would awake on my barracks cot, hurting and brooding. Then I would restart my normal yearly routine. Possibly even winning next year's tournament.

But then my journey took an unexpected turn. The Vorox that had kicked me apparently had an even lower opinion of leader-class Skrall. He lashed out at Tuma viciously and with fury! His chains thankfully restrained him, but he was successful in keeping Tuma away. His rage gave me enough time to regain my strength partially and crawl away. I then rose to my feet again and grasped my sword tightly. I would not fall today.. without a fight.

It was growing later; more gentle breezes were beginning to stir across the arena. Tuma and I needed them for sure. We had both grown very weary. It was hard to continue fighting. This battle had to end. I had little chance, though.

It was then that Tuma spoke. "Skrall, you do fight well, but you have done nothing to me. I have beaten you, and now you will fall."

I could have given up right there and then, but I was driven to fight harder. I would prevail, and receive my name! With surprising fury I struck out, taking Tuma by surprise! I swung my sword like a madman! Tuma was actually backing off to block my crazed attack!

Sukata came to assist me, but complained about losing one of his blades to Tuma. I responded by ripping my right shoulder sword piece off for him to use. Tuma then finally struck back. He pushed me down and tried to fell Sukata, but the little annoyance would not stop! He continued running around Tuma, striking his armor here and there, while Tuma tried to catch him!

As I watched, an idea struck me. I got to my feet again and ran. Away from Tuma! When I felt I had reached a good distance, I charged forward, running at top speed! Then, just before reaching Tuma, I threw my shield at him! It spun at a deadly speed AND SPUN UPWARD FIVE FEET IN FRONT OF HIM!

In despair I stopped a few feet in front of him and groaned. Tuma just laughed and finally kicked Sukata away. He then cockily stated: "It's over, Skrall. You have wasted your time, energy, and resources. Give up, or allow me to help you find the door."

But he did not see what I saw, or realize what I was just now noticing. The arena audience suddenly began to grow quiet. They saw what I did; my shield falling rapidly back toward the ground! Instantly, I took in what was about to happen and leapt at an idea. Without warning, I bashed into Tuma. Hard. Surprised, he stumbled backwards, and directly underneath my falling shield. Suddenly, a mighty impact struck Tuma's head. The shield hit hard, with a clang that echoed around the now-silent arena. Then not a sound was heard until Tuma's mighty body fell to the ground, his form unconscious. He then lay on the ground, dust still settling from his fall. And only the sound of his slow, quiet breathing could be heard...

It was over! And I had won!

Of course, right after Tuma had fallen, several Skrall and Rock Agori had rushed down to see if Tuma was alright. It took a few minutes to reawaken him, but when he rose, it was clear that he was angry. One of his closer companions, Lontius, was also unhappy; no, furious at me. I thought he would kill me! Uoano tried to restrain him, but he was more battered and slightly older than his leader companions.

It was then that I addressed Tuma, about a name for myself. After all, I had reasoned, I defeated him, so I deserved a name now. But Tuma didn't see it that way.

"How dare you?" he roared. "You tried to kill me a few moments ago and now you expect a reward for your treachery?"

Lontius then advanced and struck me with his sword. Very hard. I yelled in pain and fell like a rock. I was then shot by a Thornax of his. I had fought hard all day, endured heat, pain, defeat, taunts, and more, for this? NO! Not today!

I then made a decision. Right then and there. I was going to rebel. Nothing could have stopped me from doing what I did next: I shot at Lontius twice with my Thornax. I then rose and made a declaration as Lontius reeled from them.

"I am no longer going to stay here!!!" I shrieked. "I am rebelling, leaving and giving myself a name!!"

At first, there was nothing but silence. Then a few muffled chuckles, then most of the Skrall began laughing! As if this were some sort of joke! I was truly furious, and glared when Lontius, still laughing a nasty laugh, said, "And what will your name be, Skrall? Skrall?"

My mind raced, trying to think of a suitable name. But nothing came. Then I remembered something. I remembered the time I had been in a illusion created by the some Sisters of the Skrall. I then knew my name. It was simple. And at the same time grand. "My name is... Skrallix," I said.

More laughs. Except now Lontius wasn't laughing as much any more. He was loading his Thornax Launcher and signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"If you are indeed rebelling... Skrall... you are no longer one of us, and are a trespasser here. And we don't allow trespassers here..."

He then signaled to the Skrall, Elite Skrall, and Rock Agori surrounding us. "Kill him," he said. "Now."

I didn't like the sound of that and was about to defend myself when I heard Sukata voicing a complaint. He stated that this entire situation seemed rather unfair. Lontius responded by ordering a troop of Rock Agori to kill him as well. Uoano tried to protest, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

Before they attacked. I had a plan. I saw a cart of over-ripe Thornax fruits above us, nearby the audience's seating arena. Also the cart was directly above the Vorox with the Thornax Launcher tail. So I fired a Thornax of my own at the cart, and watched it fall. Several exploded behind my new foes and startled a few. It gave me enough time to run toward the wall where the cart fell.

I was held back by Tuma, though. He was ready to stop the day's madness. I, however, was determined to continue my plan. I could and was going to leave. As I tried to run around him, he blocked my path. So I tricked him. I made him think I was running one way, and then turned and dove the opposite direction. However, Tuma turned quickly, and suddenly my sword found itself tightly lodged in one of the green blades that protruded from his back! With the other Skrall seconds away from me, I pulled on my sword as hard as possible. I then heard a low SNAP. One of his blades was now lying on the sandy ground. Without hesitation, I grabbed it and ran.

Running at top speed, I and Sukata arrived at the wall quickly. We were now totally surrounded and outnumbered. Or so thought all the Skrall. At that instant, I shot one of the chains holding my Vorox friend. After two shots, it snapped. The now partly-free Vorox wasted no time in joining the battle. He snatched an explosive Thornax and loaded it into his launcher. I proceeded to free his other arm and two legs from the chains, and quickly started doing the same to as many other Vorox as I could get to. My Vorox friend then began hissing out orders to the released Vorox, who quickly began freeing all the other Vorox!

The arena became a battleground. Vorox ran free everywhere. Sukata, the Vorox and I stood against attacks from many Skrall. It was then that I decided it was time to go.

"Run!!" I instructed the friendly Vorox and Sukata.

"What?? Run?? Why, we're wining!!" exclaimed Sukata.

I didn't want to waste time explaining how many legions were in the Skrall Empire, or how many times they could kill us.

"Just follow me!!" I yelled. As I ran, I was followed by my two companions. We ran throughout the mighty Skrall Fortress. I passed many things, all reminding me of what I was leaving, and yet I felt little remorse. I could survive, I could prove all the others wrong, and I could fight. When we finally arrived at the gates, Skrall where closing in behind us. I saw Atakus and some other Agori guarding the gates. He looked very puzzled by the sight of a Skrall, Rock Agori and Vorox all running like scared Scarabax beetles toward him. He couldn't decide what to do, so we trampled over him and ran into the Bara Magna desert.

A troop of Skrall were returning from patrol on four Rock Steeds. We knocked out three Skrall and escaped on the backs of their red beasts. At the end of that day, I had no idea what might lay in store for us: the dangers, the hardships, the enemies, or the adventures. But I did know, at long last, how it felt to have a name, and to have freedom.

And it was wonderful.

Part 6[]

Ah, yes, I remember those early years when the Sand Raiders were just beginning. At first, only our Vorox friend, Sukata, and I were in the organization. We were constantly on the run from Skrall forces that seemed to be searching relentlessly for us. We clashed many times, and a great many Skrall returned to the leaders empty-handed. But eventually, we began to gain members. I will now tell you of a few of them.

This is my story, and I am Skrallix. I am creating these tablets to tell of my adventurous past. And I have much to tell...

I will start with descriptions of some of our finest members.

Vernox: He is a Vorox, and a good friend of mine. Expert sharpshooter and swordsman, I personally trained him. He was present on my great rebellion day in the arena. He and Sukata were the very first Sand Raiders.

Vernox is called "Vernox," because years ago that was the way he tried to say "Vorox". Thanks to years of teaching by Sukata and myself, he learned the Agori language. He has learned quickly and is now attempting to teach other Vorox. He looks like most other Vorox, but he is no ordinary Vorox. He is much more than that now. He doesn't like to talk much, but tends to get his point across, usually with the point of a sword.

Now this next one you should already know rather well by now.

Sukata: He is a Rock Agori who is good friends with Vernox and myself. He is an expert with almost any sword; he isn't as good with firing weapons though. He and I had our first adventure years ago. It involved a food cart, stealing rations, crashing, and running. He is such a good swordsman now that he can even best a Skrall in a duel!

He can be talkative when around friends, but is generally cold when with other Agori or complete strangers. Or enemies. He loves leading troops into battle and can be quite the tactical general for the Sand Raiders.

And now, some new allies....

Tactus: He is an elite-class Skrall, and one of our generals. He is one of our strongest and most loyal members. He was once, like me, just another elite Skrall. But after a loss against the Baterra, only he and Lontius, survived. He was never even thanked for his heroism in battle; instead, he was punished for failing to bring back a Baterra for study. So he rebelled and joined the Sand Raiders. His strength and endurance are incredible and legendary. He is able to bear being shot multiple times with Thornax without flinching.

Kralis; He is a warrior-class Skrall, and one of our finer warriors. He joined Tactus in his rebellion, and joined the Sand Raiders alongside him. His fighting skills are excellent, and he has greatly improved them since he joined the Sand Raiders. He is one of the few Skrall who have rebelled.

His green armor is his original armor. He feels it reminds him that he is still a Skrall.

Rocxis: He is another warrior-class Skrall who rebelled alongside Tactus. He tends to take after Tactus in another way as well: he has a very high threshold of pain. Simply put, he can't be hurt easily. He has taken on a much different appearence then just another ordinary Skrall.

He is also an engineer of sorts. Part of his current armor is robotic. One of his arms is a massive mechanical object. His greatest weapon is technology.

Terruk: He is a Rock Agori, and professional sharpshooter. He welds twin Thornax Launchers, and knows how to use them! Very well! When they are no longer as effective as wishes, they become swords, or clubs, or whatever he wants. He is rather stealthy, and good at sneaking into enemy territory. He likes teaming up with Sukata at times, possibly due to the fact that Sukata is the master of the sword. Together, they can be nearly unstoppable.

Ocks: He is a Sand Agori, or Zesk. He was found years ago by Vernox in the Bara Magna desert. His whole pack was killed by Baterra, leaving him the sole survivor. Over the years, he has learned much, and become quite a notable scientist for the Sand Raiders. He has most certainly proved Zesk can have great minds too. He was taught to speak, just like Vernox. However, he, unlike Vernox, likes to talk a lot. Sukata seems quiet compared to him!

Ioron: He is an Agori of Iron, and is quite the survivor and adventurer. We found him nearly dead in the desert, and he just couldn't resist joining instantly. He has proved a useful member over the years for sure. He has been in so many adventures for such different reasons, it is incredible. And every time he has come out alive. He specializes in retrieving ancient artifacts from the sands. He has given the Sand Raiders more than one powerful object.

Artunka: He is an Agori of Fire, and is an excellent metalworker. Some of his half-mad theories and schemes caused him to be banished to the wastelands, where we found him. He loves modifying our motorized vehicles, weapons, and armor. He isn't much of a fighter, but most certainly can hold enemies off in a fight. His designs are efficient and strong. He has helped us create our infantry.

Swaluc: He is a Jungle Agori with a strange mutation on his right hand. Actually, it IS his hand. It's a weird vine/tentacle... thing. Interesting story behind it.

Years ago, he was an Agori warrior in the Core War. He discovered another source of Energized Protodermis, a small pool of it. He decided that his current weapon was not good enough, so he wrapped a live vine around his spear and placed it in the pool. However, he accidentally put part of his hand in the pool as well. But it did not kill him, oh no; it did something worse. The vine became his right hand. A long, green, tentacle-like thing. Over the years, the other Agori grew afraid of him. No one would dare go near, lest they be affected by his hand. No one except for us. He joined and has been a very helpful member.

Natis: She is an Ice Agori, and is one of our female members. She is a tracker; a very good one too. She is also good with her two daggers. Not even Skrall can stand for long against her. She didn't mind living in her village that much, but she had yearned to survive out in the desert on her own.

She didn't last two weeks. We found her nearly dead, surrounded by a pack of hungry Vorox, and two fighting Spikit. We saved her, and she has become yet another valuable member...

These are just some of the Sand Raiders. Of course, we have had many adventures, fought many battles, and won at least one or two wars. I will now proceed to tell you about a few of those exploits...

First, our war with the Bone Hunters was rather long and treacherous. Their forces were great, and they had many resources, so all our battles proved interesting. I remember the Battle of Creep Canyon especially. It was one of our earlier fights.

The reasons we were at war in the first place were simple. We wanted to put outposts in more areas. Some just happened to be very close to the Bone Hunters' stronghold. Too close for their comfort. And they were upset at our acceptance of Toka and Tika, the exiled Bone Hunter twins. They had intended for the two to experience a horrible death in the desert. Our interference was most annoying for them. And Bone Hunters hate being annoyed. So they started a war.

The battle of Creep Canyon began quietly. A few Sand Raiders and I had discovered a hidden cave that led to a large cavern. With a little work, it would make an ideal base. It was also a good viewing spot. It lay directly on a corner in the maze of canyons, and was rather secluded. As we were preparing to gather supplies for its conversion, some Bone Hunters came charging down one of the canyon passes!

Now, there were not very many Raiders with me at the time, only Tactus, Ioron, Ocks, Toka and Tika, Sukata, Rocxis, and five other, now... deceased Sand Raiders. We were being attacked by about nineteen Hunters, all on Rock Steeds. Armed with Thornax Launchers. It looked as if it would be a short battle.

But it wasn't. Toka and Tika, Sukata, Rocxis, and I all engaged the first wave of attackers, numbering five. I easily downed two, Sukata took out one, and Rocxis eliminated the remaining two. Tika and Toka kept them down. Meanwhile, Tactus was creating a plan of attack for Ioron, the five other Raiders, and Ocks. He and Ioron then began to set up an ambush for the Hunters.

It all came together perfectly. The next wave of Bone Hunters was the remaining number of attackers. Well, almost. Two had disappeared. With only twelve attackers, we thought the battle would be easy. It wasn't.

My sword locked with the Bone Hunter's. I looked around. We were doing well; already five Hunters had fallen, and the rest were growing tired. Then two inexplicably disappeared. I wondered about that for a short time, but quickly forgot when we defeated all the remaining Hunters. I had not truly expected a hard fight. The Bone Hunters can be very easy to fell at times.

I also noticed then that Ocks had disappeared. This seemed rather strange. However, I was used to odd occurrences by now. I walked over to Tactus, who was interrogating the Bone Hunters.

"Why did you attack us?"

The Hunters remained silent.

"Speak, you annoying desert pests! Or would you rather be more... talkative... in front of a hungry predator?"

They became slightly more cooperative then. "This is the Bone Hunters' land!" one hissed. "And we don't like visitors."

"I could tell," retorted Tactus, "by the friendly welcoming committee you sent. You just love new neighbors, don't you?"

I could see Toka and Tika trying to suppress laughter. I also heard something else... Rock Steeds in the distance? I heard a sound echoing down the other canyon side. (We were located directly on a fork in the canyon maze. From were I was standing, I could see two canyons, one on my right, and the other on my left. The sound was coming from the left-side canyon.) Two fellow Sand Raiders went down the canyon to see what the sound was.

Not long after, I heard a scream, then one Sand Raider came running out of the canyon.

"THEY'RE COMING!" he shrieked!

Then he was struck down by a Thornax. I now knew exactly what would, and did, come out of the canyon. An army of Bone Hunters. At least seventy. From both sides. We charged into battle, and our war began.

CLANG! "Keep fighting!!" I yelled.

"Wouldn't think of stopping!" shouted Rocxis. This was before he had finished his robotic arm, so he was working very hard at holding off the Hunters.

"Sukata, Tactus, where are you two?"

"Right behind you, Skrallix," Tactus responded. Sukata was too busy dueling three Bone Hunters to answer. I jumped into the air and smacked a Hunter off his mount. Tika and Toka were up on a ledge above ten attacking Rock Steeds and their riders. I rode over at high speed, but was interrupted by a pesky Bone Hunter. He stuck his sword directly in the path of my leg, and tripped me as I rode!

I fell to the ground as five Hunters surrounded me. One pointed his Thornax Launcher directly at me. "Go ahead, pest!" I said as I picked myself up off the ground. He smiled and fired. The Thornax struck me squarely in my chest. I flinched, and strode forward toward him. A foolish look of shock remained on his face, until I smote him off the Steed and got on it.

I then continued my ride to assist Toka and Tika. But Sukata was already there, helping out. I decided to take a moment and survey the battlefield. Already, two Sand Raiders had lost their lives, and I did not want any more casualties today. I ordered all Raiders to fall back and regroup at the cave. We did, and found some racks to use as shelter as we fought.

After a wasted hour, the Hunters stopped trying to drive us out. They instead focused on trapping us in. They thought if we were under siege, we would eventually have to leave for water and food. Or die. What they didn't know was that the cavern had a small sparkling spring, that constantly spewed out cool clear water.

However, food was a problem. We could last another day, but we would not be as strong. Five Thornax exploded on the rocks in front of me. The Hunters were not giving up. Ioron returned with fresh cool water, and we all drank some. One of my fellow Sand Raiders had been seriously wounded. He would not live much longer. We tried to make him as comfortable as one can be in a hard, rocky cave.

But while we were making a plan of escape, we all heard shouts, yells, and the sound of war outside the cave. I cautiously glanced out, and saw a pack of attacking Vorox, led by Vernox! The Hunters were trying to hold them back, but angered Vorox, especially an entire pack of them, can be hard to contain. I saw Vernox gleefully ordering the others around. He was saving the day, and he knew it.

Ocks managed to sneak over to the cave and explain what was happening. Apparently, just before we had defeated the original group of Hunters, he had run for the Dunes of Treason, where Vernox was training a pack of Vorox to fight. After learning what was happening, he and the Vorox had come to assist us.

After our little update, we charged out of the cave and joined the fight. There was mass pandemonium. The Bone Hunters were all disorganized, and were confused by the attack. Yet somehow, the battle managed to drone on for another five hours. When it finally ended, five Sand Raiders had lost their lives. So had thirty-four Bone Hunters.

The Bone Hunter War lasted several years, and ended with a compromise. We would leave them alone, and they would do the same with us. But they were most certainly not our only adversaries on Bara Magna. Another outcast seemed to enjoy attacking us. His name was Malum.

"RRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRR!" a Vorox screeched into my face.

Malum was attacking again. I was outside one of our strongholds, this particular one located beneath the slopes of the White Quartz Mountains. And I was fighting a Vorox. They were stealing supplies from us. Again.

Most of their heists were successful. I didn't want this to be one of them. Beside me, Swaluc shot out his tentacle hand, split it into four parts, and grabbed a nearby Vorox. He then proceeded to fling him away. Ahead of me, I could see Kralis and Terruk fighting hard. Behind me, Ocks and Artunka were attempting to hold the gates.

I was hoping Vernox would arrive soon. Perhaps he and his Vorox pack could talk to or fight Malum's. I frankly did not care which. Speaking of Malum, he was on a ridge fighting Rocxis. And he was winning. Rocxis' robotic arm was, again, not yet finished at this time, so he was not as strong.

I pushed away the Vorox in front of me and ran toward Malum. It looked as if he was about to kill Rocxis, and I couldn't allow that. I jumped through the air and smashed into Malum. The mad being rolled down the ridge and jumped up glaring. He was angry. I instructed Rocxis to help the others as I ran down the ridge. At the bottom, I engaged Malum. He was a good fighter, but not as good as a Skrall. Or so I thought. He proved to be quite a challenge.

"So, Skrall," he hissed, "you've decided to live in the desert that belongs to my people. And you dare to steal our few possessions, food, and water. Have you no heart?"

"Your people? Which ones, the Fire Tribesmen, or these Vorox?"

"The Fire Tribe does not want the likes of me around. Insane beings are frowned upon."

"I must admit," I again replied, "that your sanity must have been lost to the sands long ago. Or perhaps the old saying is true: None can lose what they never had."

This made Malum all the more furious. And he fought the best when he was angry. I was beginning to have problems in holding him off. I knew what everyone said of him: "Once you're in his claws, it's all over." I knew this was true; I had no desire to prove it. I continued fighting him, using every trick I knew. He was ready for it all, though, and blocked almost all of it. I even tried an old Skrall trick: stick your sword into the ground and swing around on it, using your feet to bash down your enemy. It didn't work. I went sprawling into the sand, and Malum just laughed.

I had become a much wiser Skrall over the years though, and did not try to charge him out of anger. Instead, I shot him with a Thornax. We were both about to attack each other again when one of his Vorox, carrying some of OUR supplies, hissed something at him.

"My Vorox are done. They have all that they want."

Rather unexpectedly, a Vorox flew overhead, screaming. I swung around, fixing my gaze on top of the ridge. It was Tactus, and Vernox, plus an entire pack of well-trained Vorox. We began to fight again, but Malum's pack was being slowly defeated. Finally, they retreated (still holding our supplies, I might add) with a smaller pack than before. Malum did not bother us for some time after that.

So far, I have only told you a tiny portion of our adventures, wars, battles, and members. There is much more I can, and will tell. I will tell you of our greatest foes, triumphs, and more! And I will begin by telling of our adventures with some of the Skrall's greatest foes.

The Baterra.

Part 7[]

Another Baterra appeared and advanced on yet another Skrall from behind. With little effort it felled the Skrall warrior and shapeshifted into just one more rock on the canyon floor.

This was the great Skrall retreat from their northern territories. The Baterra were an impossible foe, and the Skrall that were in the back of the retreat were not prepared to fight them.

Six other Sand Raiders and myself were all observing on a ledge above the action. And we were about to jump into battle,to assist our falling Skrall brothers. Now we knew how deadly the Baterra were, but we also knew an amazing secret, and new power; something that was discovered in another battle entirely. A battle with an Element Lord.

A thorned vine appeared from nowhere and snatched another Sand Raider away. Ordinarily, crazed plantlife attacking individuals and dragging them away would be considered impossible. But not for the Elemental Lord of Jungle.

A troop of Sand Raiders, led by myself, had been exploring the far north reaches of Bara Magna, searching for new food and water supplies. We had stumbled upon a forest, and were looking for a food source when a discovery was made. Partly inside several of the trees were dead warriors!

As we tried to examine them, we met a new friend. The Element Lord of Jungle. He welcomed us to his forest with a friendly, giant, thorned vine of death. Two Raiders didn't survive the "welcome." We had no choice but to fight.

Have you ever tried to fight the Elemental Lord of Jungle, in the middle of a forest? It can be compared to attempting to light a fire underwater. He was definitely in his element, so to speak. Of the troop of Raiders present, only seven of us out of nineteen survived the experience.

As the forest went wild, we found ourselves in a dire situation. Sukata and Terruk teamed up and held off the Forest of Blades. It wasn't easy, but the Agori did well. Tactus simply smashed whatever came near him, while Kralis and Vernox basically just sliced through the weeds. Rocxis and I were teamed up and fighting hard. So was the entire forest. It was also hard to tell were the Elemental Lord was; everything seemed alive.

Then, after a number of futile minutes, at the end of which only twelve Sand Raiders remained standing, I realized something. Plantlife was flammable. Without hesitation, I shot an explosive Thornax at a broken branch and created an explosion.

"Shouldn't you save your ammunition?" questioned Rocxis.

"It's for a worthy cause," I responded. I saw some smoke emanating from the dry branch, and knew it had worked. "Quick, Rocxis, get me some dry leaves!" I ordered. There were some conveniently nearby. "If this doesn't get the attention of the Element Lord, I don't know what will," I stated.

Once the fire was burning fast, I let it spread. Suddenly, my shield and sword were snatched away from my hands!

The fire had been noticed by the Elemental Lord. And he hated fire.

A moment later, Rocxis was disarmed too. I noticed the same fate had occurred to Kralis, Vernox, and Tactus, and they had also been tied up by a number of vines. However, Vernox seemed to be intently chewing his way out of his trap. Only several Raiders, including Sukata and Terruk, were still armed. I struggled against the vines, and bit one. It tasted horrid, but I didn't care.

Once my hand was free, I ripped the vines off me. I noticed that our little fire was becoming a big fire, fast. The Elemental Lord had noticed too, and was doing all he could to stop it. At that moment, as I was examining the surrounding area for an escape route, and saw something strange. Five rocks that had not been there minutes ago.

Then something horrible happened. The "rocks" turned into Baterra! Five invincible Baterra. They were smallish, and silver, yet very powerful. I glanced around for something I could use for a weapon, anything! But all I had was my bare hands.

I looked toward the Elemental Lord — perhaps he knew how to stop them — but he was retreating! He suddenly threw down his weapon and disappeared! So I turned back to the Baterra. I was ready to destroy them. I tightened my fists and waited for them to attack.

They ignored me.

I yelled at them. They ignored me and Rocxis again. They just started slowly walking past us. My mind raced as I tried to discern why they were paying no attention to us. Then I noticed that they were advancing on Sukata and Terruk. Why them and not us?

Then Vernox hissed, "We have no weapons. They don't want to attack us. We can't fight well enough."

Then I understood, although Vernox had not explained it very well. The very first thing the Element Lord had done was throw down his weapon! Then I realized that Terruk and Sukata were still armed!

"Throw down your weapons, all of you!" I ordered.

Sukata and Terruk looked at me as if I had gone mad. My glare made them think twice. They threw away their weapons and put their hands up. The Baterra stopped, very confused. Didn't those two just have weapons? Were they still warriors without them?

This was when I decided to act. I approached and examined a Baterra. They ignored me. Until I grabbed one and began carrying it away! As I ordered the other Sand Raiders to do the same, I noticed the other four Baterra quickly following me. As I tried running, the Baterra I held quickly discovered he could do nothing but shapeshift. So he became a rock. It was rather annoying.

I also noticed that Baterra were faster than I thought. They were gaining quickly; unless I could find an escape route, they would catch me, and likely treat me as a warrior. Which meant instant death.

Ah! Up ahead, a cave! I ran for as best as one can with... er... a major incovenience in their arms. My pursuers continued to gain on me until I reached the cave. My plan there was simple: destroy the Baterra in my arms and do the same to the others. I was also counting on reciving assistance from my troop, but nothing went acourding to plan.

First, as soon as they got inside the cave, those ridiculous Baterra caused a cave-in! Then I was trapped in a cave, with five of a Skrall's worst nightmares. Wonderful.

I ran down through the cave, searching for some way to escape. There was none.

Then I made a mistake that completely changed me forever.

I didn't see a gaping hole in the cave floor. And when I say "hole," I mean a seemingly bottomless, pitch black, pit. As I and my newly-captured Baterra plummeted, I wondered how it would feel when I hit the bottom. Hopefully, it would be quick and painless.

I never got to find out. As I examined the pit's walls, I realized that I could use the Baterra to slow my fall by trying to grind down the wall's slope. For a few seconds it actually worked; then I hit a rock and fell, but this time, there was nowhere left to fall. I was at the bottom.

Surprisingly, I fell into a greenish, blackish liquid. After struggling for a few minutes, to my horror and dread, I realized that I still was not at the bottom! This, was a much worse way to die. And slower way.

Nearby, I saw energy crackling around the Baterra, as it "died." Then I sank again. I felt the horrible liquid burn my insides and eyes. My lungs grew heavy... But instead of dying, I felt energy surge through me. It was a strange and new feeling... This might help. I tried to channel or focus the energy, and succeded.

I quickly rose up and broke the liquids surface. Though I could barely see, I am certain I saw something further into the liquid lake, some sort of huge Rock Steed-like, partly-silver creature. Not wanting to bother... it... I discovered that with a lot of effort, I COULD LEVITATE AND FLY!

I instantly began to soar upward, rapidly escaping the pit. Then I barely saw two Baterra ready to greet me, standing near the pit's mouth. I flew over them and landed behind. As they advanced, I decided to test my new powers. Suddenly, a bolt of energy blasted back the first Baterra. The second advanced, only to be shot back as well.

Then I discovered a new power, laser vision, or something of the sort. I shot twin beams from my eyes, beams that sent both Baterra down into the pit. A few moments later, I heard a reassuring splash.

Now my eyesight was clear, and I could finally see clearly. I was annoyed by what I saw: the other two Baterra advancing on me. I wanted to see if I had any other powers, so I raced over to the first Baterra and placed my hand on him. What happened next surprised me! I felt energy flow into my hand, and watching in amazment as the Baterra fell, powerless. I did the same to the other; I absorbed his power and caused it to "die."

Now I had several amazing new powers, and two Baterra I had captured that we could take back for study! But I was still stuck in a cave.

It was then that I realized that I was able to see clearly in the deathly black, dark cave... How? I also had night vision!

My next power was discovered when I tried to pick up a Baterra, and found it to be lighter than a grain of sand!! Easily, I lifted both Baterra and ran toward the cave's entrance. When I arrived, I began hurling away the rocks that were keeping me in. Unfortunately, I was not paying any attention as to where those rocks fell, or what they hit...

After a few moments of work, I broke through! But, as I hurled the last large stone away, it struck the cave's ceiling and caused another cave-in! I was instantly trapped again, and then buried. A rock struck my head and everything went black...

When I awoke, I was in one of our fortresses, on a cot, with a wretched headache. I quickly learned that my Sand Raiders had been trying to dig me out for some time before I had broken out. Then, when I broke free and got burried under another cave-in, they dug me and my two new Baterra friends out, and we evacuated south, arriving in this fortress.

Ocks had been there, and once I was awake, he spent all his time examining the Baterra. I told them all of what happened, and even demonstrated my new powers. We all tried to return to that cave, and even did. But when we arrived in its pit, all we found was a lot of sickly greenish/blackish fog and some small shallow puddles of the stuff. We even tried it with the puddles, to no avail.

Then we heard a roar that shook the cave and decided to excuse ourselves. Moments after our escape, a large earthquake destroyed the cave for good. We could never return. But we had still something that made it worth the while: knowledge. We knew how to stop the Baterra... and we were ready to fight.

And that was why we were about to jump into battle. We knew how to make short work of the Baterra. This was the rear of the Skrall retreat however, and those Skrall had just about been abandoned. The nearest legion, was running far ahead, leaving these Skrall for their deaths. It was time, I addressed my surrounding Raiders.

"My fellow Raiders, I believe it is time we introduced ourselves. I'll go first...."

And with that, I jumped down from the ledge and levitated above the ground. Then I greeted a Baterra with a blast of pure energy.

All the Skrall just stared at me.

"Drop your weapons and kick them away NOW!" I ordered. Most didn't want to, so I helped convince them by blasting them away. Then, with my bare hands, I absorbed the power of all nine killer Baterra. My Sand Raider backup hauled them away.

And that was it. The battle was over. And now, the Sand Raiders would never fear Baterra again. The Skrall troop had been abandoned by the other legions, so I invited them to join us. They agreed.

As we began our trek back home, I stayed behind some, wanting to see if any other Skrall needed assistance. As I survyed the area, I noticed several figures below in the canyon. I silently watched them examin the canyon floor, and ducked when one looked up toward me. I knew who they were: Sisters of the Skrall. Apparently, a few had been left behind in the retreat. And judging from their vows of revenge, I could deduce that they were angry about it.

I continued watching for several minutes, until a sudden and horrible pain froze me in place! I felt paralyzed! Nothing would make my limbs move!

Then I felt myself being grabbed by my neck, and being lifted up. Then I was staring into the cold icy stare... of a Skrall Sister. And, to spite the fact that I couldn't move, I felt a cold shiver go throughout my being... Then, slowly and horribly, the pain increased...



  • This was this user's first story serial.
  • This story was origanally a blog series on The Bionicle Wiki, and is currently unfinished.